Everyone loves wordpress. It is easy to use, and never crashes, because it lacks all the bells and whistles. You can use Wordpress to make a blog or a website. It can be used to mimic a content management system, or as a portal.
The versatility makes Wordpress one of the most popular platforms - however, it has so much garbage at the top of the page that very few - very few - wordpress sites ever rank high.
There is a solution.
Because wordpress is the most popular, it is also the most commonly used. That means the crawlers find each and every template at a million (a billion?) times when crawling the web.
One way to fix this is to have a programmer fix the template for you, and while s/he is at it, they will reduce some of the garbage code.
Another way is to spend $50 and buy yourself a Wordpress template. There are some very nice ones out there.
The crawlers love original content - but they read the whole page, including the template's code. That means, they want to see original templates too.
Another trick with worpress is to make the left side of the screen the content, and keep the links to the right.
Crawlers do not read from top to bottom. They read the top header, the left column, the center column, the right column. So, if the crawler is searching your website, and the content is in the middle, the crawler will read the top header and the right column.
By then, the crawler may have read 200 - 500 characters and finding nothing different from the page before, it will leave.
However, if the left column is the content, the crawler will read the header and then the content, seeing something new on each page.
It is important to remember that crawlers do not waste their time reading the entire page. They are programmed to stop reading and leave the page if there is no new content.
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