How to Pick a Blog Community

I do believe that I fit into the realm of professional blogging. I have been doing it for 7 years, with varying degrees of success. I've made friends, and I've made money. I've learned and I've taught.

But, I must say that I've had a new experience this year, mainly, the writingup blog going down. Okay, so maybe the mfa thing didn't hit, I have been wrong before, maybe the other site crashed (back up server? Can anyone explain?)

I have learned that trust needs to be earned. I'll never have one single main blog with most of my posts again, just incase this happens again. I've also learned that there are different types of blog hosts. Mark at is doing just that, as well as giving up 70% of the blog revenue.

I will never start a blog at a place where the host doesn't treat me like I am worth talking to....not down to.... not explaining...but actually blogging with us.

I will never blog without a back up of my blogs. I have about 300, but I am still PO'ed at the 75 - 100 I lost.

I will also watch to see how much money I get from the blog. I use to blame Google because I got 1 click from a $4 word at my other blog,and only got $.03. But since they went down, I have been able to sort things out, and have been getting $.25 - $.45 from other blogs - with the same click.

Now, tell me if I am wrong, but isn't blogging a 50/50 symbiotic relationship between us, the writers, and the host?

I also don't like being 'burned.' As in, we are told that the set up will make us a full time living as bloggers, so we buy into it and follow the instructions (keep blog pure, blog once a day - I had almost 600 blogs there) an what happened? The site became a linkback/trackback farm, admin withdrew our rights to delete trackbacks, and my 'get paid to write' clicks went from .10 - .01 from Google in the last seven months. But, on other blogs, the clicks are still worth .10. So, I think that trust needs to be earned, and it can't be earned when we are lied to. I noticed that Mark's blogging community doesn't promise wealth, just a good blog host.

I guess I am ranting, and I don't normally do that. Or, maybe I am learning to be a little more cautious. It is just that those lost blog posts represent about 2 work weeks out of my year that are gone...and that bugs me.

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