The Five Types of Goals - Part 1 - The Start of Reason, Is Not Realistic!

Many people equate success with money, power, and fame. In actuality a truly successful person is much more than that; or at least should be. In order to achieve success you must first set out to do so. One of the most important steps to your achievement is setting goals that you can work towards and conquer. A person of great success will have set and have mastered, or strived to master goals in the following five types of goals.

Financial Goals:

Perhaps the most common type of goal! Everyone wants to be wealthy. Your financial goals will determine how wealthy. In designing your financial goals you have to decide how much money that you want to make per month, per year, per ten years, and so on. You can make goals that deal with investments (how much do you want to make out of your investments) and the segmenting of your business (how much money do you want to make from different segments of your business), etc...

You want to try and keep your goals within reason but not within reality. When people claim to be realistic they are usually just setting a low bar for themselves and are cutting down their potential. Let me give you an example:

A reasonable man might set goals like, "I am going to make $500, 000.00 this year. And next year I want to make $1,000,000.00. The year after that I want to double what I have made". Those would be reasonable goals. If you think that those goals can never be accomplished then I would submit to you that you are trying to be to realistic, and are thereby missing a greater, bigger picture.

A realistic man sets goals like, "I am going to make $80,000.00 this year (maybe). Next year I am going to ask my boss for a raise and start making $120,000.00. Then I will invest more in my 401K, and try to make good investments to increase my profit". Now if all of that is your goal; well, they are not bad goals. But they are short fall goals. You can do better. A lot better! You just need to start thinking beyond your reality, and step into the reality of a successful entrepreneur.

Now an unreasonable man might set goals that defy all logic and reason. These goals might sound like, "I am going to make 1,000,000,000.00 this next year and quadruple that next year". That is an unreasonable goal, because although technically doable, it is almost impossible to make that kind of money unless you have already established substantial wealth. So yes that may be doable for Donald Trump (even for him that might be a stretch) or Bill Gates (not such a stretch), but probably not doable for someone just starting out on their financial goals.

Keep in mind, that in this great country, millionaires are made (by their own ambition) every day. Set your bar high, because that bar can be reached. And, you will reach that bar if you are determined, and prove yourself to be worthy in reaching it. Just don't set the bar so high that you need a space ship to reach it.

Business Goals:

Business goals are the goals that will make you the money for your financial goals. Business goals can also inspire greatness in you and in those around you. You have to determine what type of business do you want to own (I recommend owning your own business for the greatest profitability). Perhaps you don't want to own a business. You are not the entrepreneurial type. No problems; then you just need to set a goal on which company you would like to work for, and how far you want to go within that company (not so recommended, but still fine if that is what "floats your boat").

Business goals can also include investments. What type of investments; and how many do you want? You should also plan and set a goal for where you want your business to go. Perhaps you want to branch out and create several businesses. Maybe set a goal for how many employees you would like to have. How many business partners you might have; so on and so forth. All of this would be included in your business goals.

So far we have covered the two types of goals that are usually associated with success; Financial Goals, and Business Goals. But what about the three other types of goals? Those three other types are equally as important to your success. You can not be truly successful without an understanding and desire to master all of the five types of goals.

Jeremy Alexander is a successful Entrepreneur and Instructor in the business of helping other entrepreneurs achieve their own personal and financial success. Whether at home working with his clients, or on the road speaking at conferences and classrooms; Jeremy is dedicated to the fundamental philosophy: "Success can not be earned without first creating success in others".

To find out more about why Success is his passion checkout his website at or for some more tips on how to be successful checkout his free Blog at

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