I homeschooled my son without the resources available today. I found St Gabriel's Catholic Academy on the net.
This is a teacher supported online school for homeschooled students. They offer affordable tuition that includes the course materials for K-grade 12. I wish I found this site 5 years ago. I had to put my son in high school because there was no resources at the time for him.
This is a very religious based school, which I don't see as a bad thing. We took 'God' out of the public schools and look what happened. The best schools in the world for 200 years are now turning out the worst students. I read an article a few months ago that claimed only 10% of USA students were able to find their country on a map.
Add this to the fact that a large portion of students graduate while still illiterate, and it becomes imperative that we start taking our children's futures in our own hands.
I don't regret homeschooling my son. He is 17 years old, able to keep a set of business books, and has started his own business. Not bad while most of his peers are still unable to maintain a study and chore schedule without their parents help.
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