7 Tips to Keeping New Year Resolutions!

New Year Resolutions! We make 'em, and then we break 'em. Did you know that 2008 is a beginning year of a 9 year cycle in numerology? This is a great time to make some changes. However, many of us have grand ideas about personal change, only to find that it is all forgotten by the second weekend of January. Here are my suggestions to setting successful New Year resolutions.

First off, make them. New Year's can be a good time to evaluate last year's goals and set new goals. Your birthday can be another great time to set yearly goals and resolutions. The definition of insanity is to keep doing what you have always done, expecting different results. So, make a goal, set a New Year's resolution.

Next, keep it simple. You might need to lose 100 pounds, but start with 10 pound weight loss goal. This is called the salami method. You can't eat a whole salami at once, but you can eat it, one slice at a time. Once you have made your mini goal, set a new one.

In line with keeping it simple, pick 2 or 3 small changes that move you towards your goal. Here are some examples for this weight loss theme. If you have not been exercising, commit to walking 15 minutes 3 times a week or park farther away and walk. Pick something doable for your diet changes. This could be eating breakfast or not super sizing your lunch. The point is, pick something small that you can commit to and do it.

Write down your goal. Most folks fail to reach their goals simply because they did not write them down. Get a notebook for your goal, write it down and log your progress.

Next, tell a friend about your goal. Better yet, get a friend to share your resolution with and help each other stay on task. Check in regularly with each other. That could be by meeting at the gym one day a week or a phone call. It is harder to make excuses; your friend will not let you off the hook.

Important.... As the Nike ad says "Just Do It!" People will do what they really want. You can fit these small changes into your life. Why? You are worth it. You are worth being healthier, physically fit, slimmer, richer, happier, or whatever you want. You will not get there, unless you do it. So "Do It!"

Lastly, make a commitment on your calendar to review your progress. Weekly is good. Look for the times you where able to keep the change and the times you choose not to keep the change. What do you need to do to keep implementing this small change in your life for the next week? If you need to change something, do it. This will keep you on your goal track.

If traditional medicine is not working for you, check out http://healthworksenergyhealing.com/ I wish you a very Happy New Year and successful fulfillment of your yearly goals.

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